Swedish employee holidays by law as follows. The holiday year starts on April 1 and ends on March 31. In order to be able to take a vacation, you must first work to earn vacation days. If we take Md Jalal Uddin as an example he started on 1 / 10-19 which means that on 1 April-20 he will have 13 days vacation for his earning period 191001-200331. If he wants to take vacation now in December-19, he has the right to take 5 days unpaid vacation. If you want Restoreit you can give the employees an advance holiday, you decide how many days you want to give them. These days will not be counted from the days they earn but these days are considered a “benefit”. If the employee who has received an advance holiday ends within 5 years, they are counted on the final salary and if the employee stays longer than 5 years then they are written off and disappear. When you receive a monthly salary, the holiday allowance of 13% is not paid out, but you can keep your monthly salary and receive a holiday supplement of 0.8% / day instead. For hourly positions, 12-13% is paid in holiday allowance.
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